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The new partedUtil command must be used instead. The step to show the partition table with this new command are:
- First identify under /dev/disks the name of the system disk (it will be easy because usually is the only disk with more partitions:
- Then use the get or the getptbl options to see the partition size (but note that the partition size was already visible also in the first screenshot):
In this example you can see there are 7 partitions:·ÖÇøÆðʼÖÕÖ¹ÉÈÇø¼°³ß´ç¼ûͼ2
- Partition 1: systemPartition 4MB £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖÐÊǵÚ1¸ö
- Partition 5: linuxNative 250MB -> /bootbank £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖеÚÎå¸ö£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊǵÚ2¸ö
- Partition 6: linuxNative 250MB -> /altbootbank £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖеÚÁù¸ö£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊǵÚ3¸ö 
- Partition 7: vmkDiagnostic 110MB £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖеÚÆ߸ö£¬Ò»°ãÒÔ0Ìî³ä£¬£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊǵÚ4¸ö
- Partition 8: linuxNative 286MB -> /store £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖеڰ˸ö£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊǵÚ5¸ö£¬ÆäÓà120¸ö¿ÕÖã»
- Partition 2: linuxNative 4GB -> /scratch (not present if you install ESXi on a small disk or flash)  £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖÐÔÚµÚ¶þ¸ö£¬£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊǵÚ6¸ö £»
- Partition 3: VMFS datastore (not present if you install ESXi on a flash media) £¬ÔÚ·ÖÇø±íÖÐÔÚµÚÈý¸ö£¬£¬Êµ¼Ê·ÖÇøÖÐÊÇ×îºóÒ»¸ö£¬¼´µÚ7¸ö£¬ÎªVMWAREÎļþϵͳ´æ´¢Çø£¬´Ë·ÖÇø³ß´ç¸ù¾ÝÓ²ÅÌʱ¼äÇé¿öÓÉϵͳ×Ô¶¯É趨£»·ÖÇø±íµÚËĸö¿ÕÖã¬ÒÔ0Ìî³ä£»
As you can see, a minimal installation can be feet also in small flash memory with only 1 GB. A curios thing the that some partitions are reported as linuxNative but they contain a FAT filesystem (are reported also by the df utility).
As written in the Richard¡¯s, the footprint of ESXi si increased to around 124MB in the 5.0 version, compare to the 70MB of 4.1 and the original 32MB or 3.5 version.
To see the old partition schema of ESXi 4.x see If VMware ESXi 4 is so small, why is it so big? and also The VMware ESXi 4 64MB Hypervisor Challenge.